Tag Archives: Becoming Minimalist

My Minimalist journey begins.

Photo credit: Sketch Guy

Photo credit: Sketch Guy

“There’s a consequence for being over-prepared. ”

I remember reading this NY Times’ article awhile back on minimalism and feeling taken aback. I’ve always been good at throwing stuff away (the consequence of obsessively hoarding magazines as a teenager), but I had never taken time to consider the psychological aspects in regards to how I relate to my “stuff.”

I’m currently in the middle of moving my apartment around. And when I say moving around, I really mean that my roommate is moving out, and I find myself with a lot of space. Perhaps too much.

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LA Explorer

A Southern California Native with a Passion for Adventure


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ASMR University

The Art & Science of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

Donald J. Robertson

Cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist and author of Verissimus